Hello, my name is David P. Proffitt, and this is my website. I am fairly new to this field and am learning a plethora of things. As I learn, I will better format the look and feel of this website and its topics. On this homepage, you will find a jumping-off point to many topics and different ways to reach out. Learn more about my mission, vision, goals, and ideas. I have a passion for creating valuable content and experiences to share openly with all visitors, praying that I may help each person in some way. Thank you to everyone who visits and participates; it means a lot to me.
About Me
My Name: David P. Proffitt
Education: Associate in Science, Peace Officer Schools, Military Schools
Occupations: Underground Coal Miner, Truck Driver, Oil Rig Worker, Corrections Officer, Constable, Sergeant U.S. Army, Construction in all facets, Writer, Publisher, Business Owner, Heavy Equipment Mechanic and Operator, Instructor, Jailer, Content Creator
Religious Affiliation: Christian, believing in Jesus Christ and His Holy Word
My Beliefs:
God created Adam and Eve; all subsequent people derive from them. There is no such thing as race, and all races come from the complex DNA of the original two previously mentioned. At the Tower of Babel, God changed their language, never mentioning changing their skin color.
Jesus Christ, the Lord God Almighty, has many names; the Bible says this as well. Jesus was God before His birth. In John, He is the WORD, and the WORD, Jesus, was with God the Father, and the WORD, Jesus, was God made manifest in the flesh. It was Jesus who created all things and walked with Adam in the Garden of Eden. There are a few places where man states that he has truly seen or seen the face of God; this is true. God, Jesus Christ, is also referred to as the Lord God and God Almighty. Jesus said Himself that no one has seen God, and there is a reference that man cannot look upon the face of God. This is true because Jesus said no one has seen the Father except He who descended from the Father, meaning only Him. Mankind has seen God and is not lying because more than a few people spoke to Him face to face and even wrestled with Him, Jesus. He also said, "If you see Him, you have seen the Father," because they look alike; they were identical. But we know the Messiah paid our debt in sin, and He still has the scarred flesh.
Jesus Christ is the only way anyone can be redeemed. He is the only path to Heaven.
No one goes to hell because of the color of their skin! That is racist, and God isn't that.
I believe in "Once Saved, Always Saved." Not because someone told me to believe that or told me to believe that before people could tell me I could lose salvation. No, I believe that because I went to God with that very question and asked for help, and through prayer and studying and thinking a lot on it, here's what I learned. In the book of James, it says, "lest ye lose salvation." This, at first glance, one can reasonably come to the quick thought or conclusion that he's talking about Christians. This is because we think of Christians as having salvation; therefore, we are the only ones that can lose it, right? Think of it this way: Jesus obtained the right for us to be saved through His sacrifice, and before that, it couldn't be obtained except through Him and by Him. Every person that died prior to that payment being made in full went to paradise, and none, not one, was perfect or without sin. They couldn't go to heaven because of two requirements: 1. Jesus having paid the price for our sins to make us without one blot, and 2. they hadn't accepted Jesus Christ, professing Him as their Lord and Savior. That is why He went down into hell and to paradise. The Bible doesn't say this, but the Word requires it. That all in paradise accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or they would still be there today. There is no Old Testament Jewish way through obedience to obtain salvation, nor any offering up of animals as being able to cover any sins; it was only a token for them to show their obedience and trust in Him through faith. If they did this, His grace was upon them, and when they died, they had paradise to wait in until the great Redeemer came. We all have the ability to obtain salvation; if we never act on it and die, we lose salvation because it is no longer offered to us by God. Not one verse prior to James saying this or after it alludes to him meaning a Christian losing salvation. A Christian losing salvation would be as important a topic as salvation, wouldn't it? Because if you lose salvation, there is no redemption; you can't repent anymore, right, brothers and sisters? Right! Wouldn't God give us examples, at least a few in His Word, of one of His losing salvation and going to hell? There's not one example in the whole Bible, but many of lost people going to hell. I also can point to places in the Bible about God, Jesus chastising His children, His children receiving every stripe they have coming, and what about His children that weren't raptured? Aren't they blessed by Him on the 1,335th day and sent to their lots as in Isaiah? Yes. How is it that people who believe they can lose salvation scorn those who think they can't lose salvation because they think they can commit sins willy-nilly when they are just as sinful as the other ones? Kind of makes me think of the Sadducees and Pharisees bickering. I have way more points, but you get how I believe this.
I believe that the earth is approximately six thousand years old and we are in the middle of transitioning into the millennial reign of Christ.
I believe people are more important than money or possessions.
At The Alter Productions
A private media production company focused on preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ through insights in the word, comparing what has happened and is happing with what the word says to better understand how the end days are and will unfold before our eyes.
Hi I'm David again, I will attempt an almost impossible task. Correcting religious misconceptions of man-made beliefs that error greatly in what is perceived will happen and what does actually happen. The understanding of the word now is different now than in times past because of the unveiling of things once hidden. Because these beliefs;
I say to you, cling to the word of God but let go of preconceptions of what you think you know and compare it to what the word actually says. Amen!
My main Domain is this one dppweb.com, At the Alter productions is my media company. I'm not in this to make money nor do I want followers, Follow Jesus Christ! I'm not a preacher or a judge. I have no powers to speak of. It may seem like I'm at odds with main stream belief, well i kind of am. I root my faith in Jesus Christ and his word the whole word Old and New Testaments; not in what anyone else tells me. It's not fact to me unless their beliefs clearly line up with the word. I study to prove or disprove what is thought. Not to easily dismiss anyone's thought or beliefs.
I only ask this from you; No matter what your beliefs or about how you perceive the end-times will happen. Just listen or hear me out. My interruptions and how it lines up with the word and how the timeline flows to the millennial rain of Jesus Christ. If you then believe I have errored in my perceptions then you’re out nothing. But, the time you spent considering my thoughts you would have spent more time in the word and that's always a plus.
So, if you want to proceed. click here to go to the At-The-Alter Page or on the navigation button at the top. Thank You!
Preparing For His Coming
This page discusses what God says to do to prepare for His coming, and I give suggestions that people may consider for a better and safer transition from this current era to the next: the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, the Creator and God Almighty.
Salvation is the first step in all things that Jesus wants us to do. Note that it is not the only step. The steps beyond salvation are not linked to your salvation. In other words, if you don't perform them, you do not lose your salvation! Rather, Jesus said that He does not just want everyone to obtain eternal life but to obtain it more abundantly. By reading, hearing, studying His word, along with prayer, supplication, fasting, and continually trying to walk in His ways, we are strengthened and grow closer, having more traits of God, just as our children take up our traits as we spend more time in their lives.
I see Christianity as a whole not doing the things necessary to walk and have a closer relationship with God, as we lack in preparing for His coming. In this inaction, we are making things harder on ourselves and will find ourselves, in a moment of time, suffering at the hands of the wicked, unsaved people who currently rule this earth.
I ask you; do you know these things? Do you know where you are in the Bible? If you think you do, then compare your list with mine and God's word. If you know just a bit, or nothing, or you are just not quite sure, then please join me. Click here to go to the preparing page if you would like to or on the navigation button at the top.
Our Discussions
I pick topics and say my view or what i think. The intent is; people post and discuss how right or wrong I am or just leave comments. I'm not psychic but probably most will disagree. I would appreciate no cursing but I can't stop that either. So monitor any none adult readers for their health and security. I'm not but one person and I do other things. So if you want to post responses or just chat with friends through the discussions please feel free. Chick here or on the navigation button at the top. Thank you!
Your Security & Contact Page
Hello, My name is David P. Proffitt and this is my website.
I am fairly new to this stuff. I'm having to learn a plethora of things. As I learn I will better format the look and feel of this website and the topics.
On this homepage is the jumping off to what will be many topics and different forms of reaching out.
Learn more about my mission, vision, goals, and ideas.
My passion for creating valuable content and experiences to share openly with all visitors. Praying that I may have helped each person in some way.
Thank you, to each and everyone who visits and participates. It does mean a lot to me.
Trusted Source
Great Reviews
About Me..
My Name: David P. Proffitt
Education: Associates in Science, Peace Officer Schools, Military Schools
Occupations: Underground Coal Miner, Truck Driver, Oil Rig Worker, Corrections Officer, Constable, Sergeant U.S. Army, Construction all facets, Writer, Publisher, Business Owner, Heavy Equipment Mechanic and Operator, Instructor, Jailer, Content Creator
Religious Affiliation: Christian, believing on Jesus Christ and his Holy word
My Beliefs:
God created Adam & Eve, all subsequent peoples derive from them. There is no such thing as race and all races come from the complexed DNA of the original two previously mentioned. At the Tower of Babel God changed their tongue never mentioning changing their skin color.
Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty has many names the Bible says this as well. Jesus was God before his birth. In John he is the WORD and the WORD Jesus was with God the Father and the WORD Jesus was God and made manifest in the flesh. It was Jesus that created all things and walked with Adam in the garden of Eden. There are a few places where man states that he has truly seen or seen the face of God, this is true. God Jesus Christ also referred to as the Lord God and God Almighty. Jesus said himself no one has seen God and there is a reference that man can not look upon the face of God. This is true because Jesus said no one has seen the Father except he who descended from the Father meaning only him. Mankind has seen God and is not lying because more then a few people spoke to him face to face and even wrestled with him Jesus. He also said If you see him you have seen the Father because they look alike they was Identical but we know the Messiah paid our debt in sin and he still has the scared flesh.
Jesus Christ is the only way anyone can be redeemed. He is the only path to Heaven
No one; goes to hell because of the color of their skin! That is racist and God isn't that.
I believe in, Once Saved Always Saved. Not because someone told me to believe that or told me to believe that before people could tell me I could lose salvation. No, I believe that because I went to God with that very question and asked for help and through prayer and studying and thinking a lot on it, here's what I learned. In the book of James it say's, less ye lose salvation. This at first glance, one can reasonably come to the quick thought or conclusion that he's talking about Christians. This is because we think of Christians as having salvation therefore we are the only ones that can lose it, right? Think of it this way. Jesus obtained the right for us to be saved through his sacrifice and before which it couldn't be obtained except through him and by him. Every person that died prior to that payment being made in full went to paradise and none, not a one was perfect or without sin. They couldn't go to heaven because of two requirements. 1, Jesus having paid the price for our sins to make us without one blot and 2, they hadn't excepted Jesus Christ professing him as their Lord and savior. That is why he went down into hell and to paradise. The Bible doesn't say this but the word requires it. That all in paradise excepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or they would still be there today. There is no Old Testament Jewish way through obedience to obtain salvation or no offering up of animals as being able to cover any sins, it was only a token for them to show their obedience and trust in him through faith. If they did this his grace was upon them and when they died they had paradise to wait in until the great redeemer came. We all have the ability to obtain salvation if we never act on it and died we lose salvation because it is no longer offered to us by God. Not one verse prior to James saying this or after it eludes to him meaning a Christian losing salvation. A Christian losing salvation would be as of an important topic as salvation, Wouldn't it? Because if you lose salvation there is no redemption, you can't repent anymore right brothers and sister? Right! Wouldn't God give us examples, at least a few in his word of one of his losing salvation and going to hell. There's not a one example in the whole Bible but many of lost people going to hell. I also can point to places in the Bible about God, Jesus chastising his children, his children receiving every strip they have coming and what about his children that wasn't raptured; aren't they blessed by him on the 1,335 day and sent to their lots as in Isiah? Yes. How is it that people that believe they can lose salvation and scorn the ones that think they can't lose salvation because they think they can commit sins willy nilly; when they are just as sinful as the other ones. Kind of makes me think of the Sadducees and Pharisees bickering. I have way more points but you get how I believe this.
I believe that the earth is approximately six thousand years old and we are in the middle of transferring into the millennial reign of Christ.
I believe people are more important then money or possessions
At The Alter Productions
A private media production company focused on preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ through insights in the word, comparing what has happened and is happing with what the word says to better understand how the end days are and will unfold before our eyes.
Hi I'm David again, I will attempt an almost impossible task. Correcting religious misconceptions of man-made beliefs that error greatly in what is perceived will happen and what does actually happen. The understanding of the word now is different now than in times past because of the unveiling of things once hidden. Because these beliefs;
I say to you, cling to the word of God but let go of preconceptions of what you think you know and compare it to what the word actually says. Amen!
My main Domain is this one dppweb.com, At the Alter productions is my media company. I'm not in this to make money nor do I want followers, Follow Jesus Christ! I'm not a preacher or a judge. I have no powers to speak of. It may seem like I'm at odds with main stream belief, well i kind of am. I root my faith in Jesus Christ and his word the whole word Old and New Testaments; not in what anyone else tells me. It's not fact to me unless their beliefs clearly line up with the word. I study to prove or disprove what is thought. Not to easily dismiss anyone's thought or beliefs.
I only ask this from you; No matter what your beliefs or about how you perceive the end-times will happen. Just listen or hear me out. My interruptions and how it lines up with the word and how the timeline flows to the millennial rain of Jesus Christ. If you then believe I have errored in my perceptions then you’re out nothing. But, the time you spent considering my thoughts you would have spent more time in the word and that's always a plus.
So if you want to proceed then click here to go to the At-The-Alter Page or on the navigation button at the top. Thank You!
Preparing For His Coming
This page I discuss what God Says to do to prepare for his coming and I give suggestions that people may consider for a better and safer transition from this current aera to the next... The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ the creator and God Almighty.
Salvation is the first step in many things the Jesus wants us to do. Note its not the only step. The steps beyond Salvation is not linked to your salvation. As in, if you don't preform them you lose salvation! It is rather this, Jesus said that he just doesn't want everyone to obtain eternal life but to obtain it more abundantly. By reading, hearing, studying, his word along with prayer, supplication, fasting, and continually trying to walk in his ways. We are strengthened and grow closer having more traits of God just as our children take up our traits as we spend more time in their lives. I see Christianity as a whole not doing the things necessary to walk and have a closer relationship with God be we lack in the preparing for his coming. That in this inaction we are making things harder on ourselves and will fined ourselves in a moment time suffering at the hands of the wicked unsaved people that currently rule this earth.
I asked you, do you know these things? Do you know where your at in the Bible? If you think you do then compare your list with mine and God's word. If you know just a bit or nothing or your just not quite sure then please join me. Click here to go to the preparing page if you would like to or on the navigation button at the top.
Our Discussions
I pick topics and say my view or what i think. The intent is; people post and discuss how right or wrong I am or just leave comments. I'm not psychic but probably most will disagree. I would appreciate no cursing but I can't stop that either. So monitor any none adult readers for their health and security. I'm not but one person and I do other things. So if you want to post responses or just chat with friends through the discussions please feel free. Chick here or on the navigation button at the top. Thank you!
About dppweb home Page
Discover my stories or views, explore navigation, and find other interesting pages on this website.
The about dppweb home page provides clear insights to my thoughts and the importance I place on getting closer to God and preparing for his coming trying the only way I know how to possible help others get though to the end. Navigation should be easy. I highly recommend exploring it and pray you join me in prepping for his coming using his, Jesus's directions and suggestions.
John Doe
Hello, My name is David P. Proffitt and this is my website.
I am fairly new to this stuff. I'm having to learn a plethora of things. As I learn I will better format the look and feel of this website and the topics.
On this homepage is the jumping off to what will be many topics and different forms of reaching out.
Learn more about my mission, vision, goals, and ideas.
My passion for creating valuable content and experiences to share openly with all visitors. Praying that I may have helped each person in some way.
Thank you, to each and everyone who visits and participates. It does mean a lot to me.
Trusted Source
Great Reviews
About Me..
My Name: David P. Proffitt
Education: Associates in Science, Peace Officer Schools, Military Schools
Occupations: Underground Coal Miner, Truck Driver, Oil Rig Worker, Corrections Officer, Constable, Sergeant U.S. Army, Construction all facets, Writer, Publisher, Business Owner, Heavy Equipment Mechanic and Operator, Instructor, Jailer, Content Creator
Religious Affiliation: Christian, believing on Jesus Christ and his Holy word
My Beliefs:
God created Adam & Eve, all subsequent peoples derive from them. There is no such thing as race and all races come from the complexed DNA of the original two previously mentioned. At the Tower of Babel God changed their tongue never mentioning changing their skin color.
Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty has many names the Bible says this as well. Jesus was God before his birth. In John he is the WORD and the WORD Jesus was with God the Father and the WORD Jesus was God and made manifest in the flesh. It was Jesus that created all things and walked with Adam in the garden of Eden. There are a few places where man states that he has truly seen or seen the face of God, this is true. God Jesus Christ also referred to as the Lord God and God Almighty. Jesus said himself no one has seen God and there is a reference that man can not look upon the face of God. This is true because Jesus said no one has seen the Father except he who descended from the Father meaning only him. Mankind has seen God and is not lying because more then a few people spoke to him face to face and even wrestled with him Jesus. He also said If you see him you have seen the Father because they look alike they was Identical but we know the Messiah paid our debt in sin and he still has the scared flesh.
Jesus Christ is the only way anyone can be redeemed. He is the only path to Heaven
No one; goes to hell because of the color of their skin! That is racist and God isn't that.
I believe in, Once Saved Always Saved. Not because someone told me to believe that or told me to believe that before people could tell me I could lose salvation. No, I believe that because I went to God with that very question and asked for help and through prayer and studying and thinking a lot on it, here's what I learned. In the book of James it say's, less ye lose salvation. This at first glance, one can reasonably come to the quick thought or conclusion that he's talking about Christians. This is because we think of Christians as having salvation therefore we are the only ones that can lose it, right? Think of it this way. Jesus obtained the right for us to be saved through his sacrifice and before which it couldn't be obtained except through him and by him. Every person that died prior to that payment being made in full went to paradise and none, not a one was perfect or without sin. They couldn't go to heaven because of two requirements. 1, Jesus having paid the price for our sins to make us without one blot and 2, they hadn't excepted Jesus Christ professing him as their Lord and savior. That is why he went down into hell and to paradise. The Bible doesn't say this but the word requires it. That all in paradise excepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or they would still be there today. There is no Old Testament Jewish way through obedience to obtain salvation or no offering up of animals as being able to cover any sins, it was only a token for them to show their obedience and trust in him through faith. If they did this his grace was upon them and when they died they had paradise to wait in until the great redeemer came. We all have the ability to obtain salvation if we never act on it and died we lose salvation because it is no longer offered to us by God. Not one verse prior to James saying this or after it eludes to him meaning a Christian losing salvation. A Christian losing salvation would be as of an important topic as salvation, Wouldn't it? Because if you lose salvation there is no redemption, you can't repent anymore right brothers and sister? Right! Wouldn't God give us examples, at least a few in his word of one of his losing salvation and going to hell. There's not a one example in the whole Bible but many of lost people going to hell. I also can point to places in the Bible about God, Jesus chastising his children, his children receiving every strip they have coming and what about his children that wasn't raptured; aren't they blessed by him on the 1,335 day and sent to their lots as in Isiah? Yes. How is it that people that believe they can lose salvation and scorn the ones that think they can't lose salvation because they think they can commit sins willy nilly; when they are just as sinful as the other ones. Kind of makes me think of the Sadducees and Pharisees bickering. I have way more points but you get how I believe this.
I believe that the earth is approximately six thousand years old and we are in the middle of transferring into the millennial reign of Christ.
I believe people are more important then money or possessions
At The Alter Productions
A private media production company focused on preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ through insights in the word, comparing what has happened and is happing with what the word says to better understand how the end days are and will unfold before our eyes.
Hi I'm David again, I will attempt an almost impossible task. Correcting religious misconceptions of man-made beliefs that error greatly in what is perceived will happen and what does actually happen. The understanding of the word now is different now than in times past because of the unveiling of things once hidden. Because these beliefs;
I say to you, cling to the word of God but let go of preconceptions of what you think you know and compare it to what the word actually says. Amen!
My main Domain is this one dppweb.com, At the Alter productions is my media company. I'm not in this to make money nor do I want followers, Follow Jesus Christ! I'm not a preacher or a judge. I have no powers to speak of. It may seem like I'm at odds with main stream belief, well i kind of am. I root my faith in Jesus Christ and his word the whole word Old and New Testaments; not in what anyone else tells me. It's not fact to me unless their beliefs clearly line up with the word. I study to prove or disprove what is thought. Not to easily dismiss anyone's thought or beliefs.
I only ask this from you; No matter what your beliefs or about how you perceive the end-times will happen. Just listen or hear me out. My interruptions and how it lines up with the word and how the timeline flows to the millennial rain of Jesus Christ. If you then believe I have errored in my perceptions then you’re out nothing. But, the time you spent considering my thoughts you would have spent more time in the word and that's always a plus.
So if you want to proceed then click here to go to the At-The-Alter Page or on the navigation button at the top. Thank You!
Preparing For His Coming
This page I discuss what God Says to do to prepare for his coming and I give suggestions that people may consider for a better and safer transition from this current aera to the next... The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ the creator and God Almighty.
Salvation is the first step in many things the Jesus wants us to do. Note its not the only step. The steps beyond Salvation is not linked to your salvation. As in, if you don't preform them you lose salvation! It is rather this, Jesus said that he just doesn't want everyone to obtain eternal life but to obtain it more abundantly. By reading, hearing, studying, his word along with prayer, supplication, fasting, and continually trying to walk in his ways. We are strengthened and grow closer having more traits of God just as our children take up our traits as we spend more time in their lives. I see Christianity as a whole not doing the things necessary to walk and have a closer relationship with God be we lack in the preparing for his coming. That in this inaction we are making things harder on ourselves and will fined ourselves in a moment time suffering at the hands of the wicked unsaved people that currently rule this earth.
I asked you, do you know these things? Do you know where your at in the Bible? If you think you do then compare your list with mine and God's word. If you know just a bit or nothing or your just not quite sure then please join me. Click here to go to the preparing page if you would like to or on the navigation button at the top.
Our Discussions
I pick topics and say my view or what i think. The intent is; people post and discuss how right or wrong I am or just leave comments. I'm not psychic but probably most will disagree. I would appreciate no cursing but I can't stop that either. So monitor any none adult readers for their health and security. I'm not but one person and I do other things. So if you want to post responses or just chat with friends through the discussions please feel free. Chick here or on the navigation button at the top. Thank you!
By Faith they where healed.
Join my journey to the coming of Christ.
Hope springs eternal.
Prepare for his coming
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